Pursuing A Car Accident Claim? 4 Issues The Defendant Will Use While Trying To Make You The Liable Party

Law Blog

If you are pursuing a car accident claim, prepare yourself to face interrogatories from the defendant. This is a good way for the defendant to learn more about the case, but they will also use the information to absolve themselves of the liability and even pin it on you. Here are some of the issues they may use while trying to do this: Previous Traffic Violations In this case, the opposing side may ask you to list all the previous traffic violations you have heard in the past, say, decade.

27 December 2017

3 Signs That You Might Need To Hire A Special Education Lawyer For Your Child

Law Blog

Having a child with special needs can be challenging, and there might be times when you need a little bit of help. A special education lawyer who is accustomed to providing services for parents who have children with special needs can be very helpful in a host of situations. These are some of the situations that one of these attorneys can help you with. 1. You're Concerned That Your Child Isn't Getting a Good Education

27 January 2017

Offered An Injury Settlement? Know What To Consider Before Your Sign It

Law Blog

If you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit, you may be offered a settlement from the other person's insurance company at some point. This is an effort to try to give you one final payment to completely settle the case, but a settlement may seem better than it actually is. Here are some things to consider before you sign the settlement and make it official. Settlements May Not Account For Future Complications

17 January 2017

3 Reasons To Use A Business Attorney

Law Blog

If you are a small business owner, you need to be sure that you are protected. Wise business owners make sure that they have an attorney that is familiar with their situation who can advise on different aspects of the company. Here are some things that an attorney can do to help your business. 1. Compliance One of the best things you can do for your business is prevent problems. Smart business owners spend more time preventing problems, knowing that by doing so they will save time and money from putting out fires down the road.

17 January 2017

VA Brain Injury Claims Need Legal Guidance

Law Blog

Except for the most obvious and carefully reported incidents, it's hard to prove that injuries are related to military service. Many veterans leave the service with pains or other conditions that they may think to be temporary, but months or years down the line, the more permanent and life-changing the conditions become. If you're having trouble getting medical assistance or compensation because of a condition you think is related to military service, here are a few angles to cover with your evidence and ways that a lawyer can help.

16 January 2017

Four Questions That Determine How Much Your First DUI Will Affect Your Auto-Insurance Rates

Law Blog

Every motorist knows that a conviction for driving under the influence is likely to lead to an auto-coverage rate hike. However, most people don't know just how much a DUI will affect their rates. The answers to these four questions will help you gauge whether your first DUI will affect your rates marginally or blow it off the roof. How Old Are You? Young drivers are responsible for 17 percent of alcohol-related crashes even though they only make up about 10 percent of licensed drivers.

13 January 2017

New Ruling Gives Rights To Some Victims Of Emotional Distress In Oregon

Law Blog

Victims of emotional distress have a new opportunity in Oregon now to recover for their injuries, thanks to a recent legal decision. If you live in Oregon, this is what you should know about your right to sue for emotional distress. Emotional distress is not well understood as a legal claim. Many people assume that you can always sue for emotional distress—which makes sense because most people realize that emotional distress is a real thing that can drastically affect someone's life in very negative ways.

13 January 2017

3 Things Every Person Should Do Before A Divorce

Law Blog

If you are struggling in your marriage you might be considering getting a divorce. Before you start the divorce process there are some things that you should do to make sure that you are protected. If you wait until everything has blown up to start taking precautions to protect yourself you could be in serious trouble. Here are some things you should start doing now to make sure that you are prepared for the divorce.

4 January 2017