Do I Need a Lawyer for My Workers' Comp Claim?

Law Blog

Getting injured in an accident at work can be frightening. Even if the accident is minor, you may find that you are left with medical bills or limitations as a result of your injuries. Many people think that filing a workers' compensation claim is a straightforward process. While some workers' comp claims are processed with no problem, there are circumstances that could warrant the retention of a lawyer to help you access the financial benefits you are entitled to after a work-related accident.

Here are three types of circumstances where you should consider hiring a lawyer before filing your workers' comp claim.

1. You are already receiving social-security disability benefits.

If you are receiving social-security disability benefits to compensate long-term injuries sustained in a previous accident, you will need to consult with an experienced attorney before filing a new workers' comp claim.

An attorney will help you gather the documentation needed to prove your new limitations are the direct result of a recent injury, not residual limitations from your old injury. Being able to prove your current injury has hindered your ability to work will be essential when it comes to accessing financial benefits through a workers' comp claim.

2. Your employer has threatened to retaliate against you if you file a claim.

Many employers try to avoid having their employees file workers' comp claims because these claims can raise liability-insurance premiums. Some employers will threaten injured employees in an attempt to keep them from filing a claim.

If your employee has either hinted or outright told you that your hours could be cut or that you may be demoted if you file a claim, then you should hire an attorney for help. Employers legally cannot retaliate against employees filing legitimate workers' comp claims, and an attorney will help you protect your rights as you go through the claim-filing process.

3. Your employer has offered a settlement that doesn't cover your medical expenses.

Some employers will attempt to settle a workers' compensation claim before it can go to court. If the settlement amount offered by your employer is not sufficient to cover the medical expenses associated with your injury, taking your claim to court could help you access the full amount of financial aid you qualify for.

Hiring an attorney to help you determine a reasonable settlement amount based on your specific injury will ensure your work-related injury doesn't put undue financial stress on you and your family.

Knowing when you need to hire an attorney to help you with your workers' comp claim will help you more successfully navigate the claim-filing process in the future. Visit sites like to find an attorney near you.


28 September 2016

Every Business Owner Needs to Be Well-versed in Law

While I took a few business classes in college, I left early to start my own business. I thought I had the knowledge I needed to become a great business owner and was eager to start my business. Soon, I had a new business that was actually performing pretty well in sales. Unfortunately, I hadn't taken any law courses in college, and I soon realized I made a few mistakes when starting my business that could cause me some legal trouble. Thankfully, a great business lawyer helped me correct my mistakes before I had any legal problems, but I then decided to take those business law courses. I want to help business owners and anyone else who would like to learn more about the law by starting a blog where I will share what I have learned and will continue to learn. I hope I can help you!